We like to invite you to contribute to the International Conference on EconoPhysics which be held in Volos, Greece at September 28-30, 2017. The conference is organized by University of Thessaly in cooperation with Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology. The conference topics are:
- Chaos and Order in Economy
- Non-linear Dynamics and Econometrics
- Neural Networks and Economy
- Thermodynamic Approach of Economy
- Markets as Complex Adaptive Systems – Evolutionary Economics
- Physics of Risk
- Statistical and probabilistic methods in Economics and Finance
- Econophysics of Stock and other Markets
- Complex socio-economic networks
- Nonadditive entropy and nonextensive statistical mechanics in socio-economics
- Agent-based models: Theory and Simulations
- Fractal and multifractal effects in real data
- Game theory
- Computing in economics and social sciences
- circuit simulation of economic system
- Delay time differential equations in economics
- Quantum Finance
The research papers have to be submitted until 30th of June. The accepted and presented papers will be included in a scientific journal. Official language of the conference is English. For more information, please visit the conference web site http://econophysicsiii.econ.uth.gr
Yours sincerely
Prof. L. Magafas
Chair of the Conference