Volos 12-3-2017 Dear sir/ madam We would like to invite you to contribute to the International Conference on EconoPhysics, which be held in Volos, Greece at September 28-30, 2017. The conference is organized by University of Thessaly in cooperation with Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology. The conference topics are:
- Chaos and Order in Economy
- Non-linear Dynamics and Econometrics
- Neural Networks and Economy
- Thermodynamic Approach of Economy
- Markets as Complex Adaptive Systems – Evolutionary Economics
- Physics of Risk
- Statistical and probabilistic methods in Economics and Finance
- Econophysics of Stock and other Markets
- Complex socio-economic networks
- Nonadditive entropy and nonextensive statistical mechanics in socio-economics
- Agent-based models: Theory and Simulations
- Fractal and multifractal effects in real data
- Game theory
- Computing in economics and social sciences
- Circuit simulation of economic system
- Delay time differential equations in economics
- Quantum Finance
The research papers have to be submitted until 15th of September. The accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of ICE2017, while selected papers will appear in an International Journal of similar topics. Official language of the conference is English. For more information, please visit the conference website: http://econophysicsiii.econ.uth.gr
Yours sincerely
Prof. L. Magafas
Chair of the Conference